Thursday, January 20, 2011

Perceptive Pixel

Hello readers! Glad you stopped by. This is my first post for this blog. I am not much of a blogger so forgive me for any clunkiness. I will be writing mainly about technological advancements. These will include high tech devices for both commercial and non-commercial uses. Whenever possible, I'll write about products that may not be household names.

My blog is titled 'Not Science Fiction' as sometimes the developments in the world of science and technology can sound so amazing that some of us may think it is a hoax or something out of a science fiction novel. Therefore, the title acts as an assurance to you readers that whatever is written here is 'not science fiction'.

First up are two products by a company called Perceptive Pixel. This company, founded by Jeff Han, is considered a leader in research, development and the production of multi-touch interfaces (eat your heart out Apple!).

The two products are the Multi-Touch LCD Display and the Multi-Touch Wall. Jeff Han displayed the multi-touch technology during a 2006 TED Conference. These products are used mainly in medical imaging, defense, geo-intelligence, broadcast and various other non-commercial uses.

The Display and the Wall are pressure sensitive instead of heat sensitive so one can use a glove or a stylus to control them. It also allows many users to work on the screen together as it has unlimited touch points.

Perceptive Pixel is also including in the system a Software Development Kit (SDK) for users to integrate their existing software to the Wall or create an entire new software for their purposes.

And the best thing about, I think, is that it uses natural movements and it does away with the keyboard and mouse.

Of course, all these words probably won't impress you much, so below is a video from youtube showing some of the Wall's capabilities. Trust me, it'll blow your mind:

Story Source:

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